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About Me

Hello there, I am Ajaz Shaikh - Travel blogger. When I am not travelling, I can be found working for a one of the leading media company in India and also running my own business Zefco Auxiliary Services Pvt Ltd since 2011. I have been exploring the places around Mumbai of over 2 years with no plans to stop anytime soon.


The Travel Blueprint is the place where I share entertaining stories, helpful travel tips and amazing travel photos. I travel slow and seek offbeat places around Mumbai with a hope to inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and experience the world with a perfect travel itinerary for over weekend trip.


I enjoy sharing the excitement of adventure travel with others, inspiring them to discover a new destination that may not have been on their radar. To dive deep into the local culture and learn something new about the world we live in.  The catalyst to start my travel blog was feeling a bit lost without a purpose. So in the hopes of injecting some inspiration into my life again started to travel solo explorer new places and sharing the journey with family and friends via the blog. 


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© 2019 by Zefco Auxiliary Services Pvt Ltd. All text images and ideas on this blog are copyrighted by Zefco Auxiliary Services Pvt Ltd and cannot be used without explicit permission

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